Don't worry, guys!
I've just been really busy, I haven't given up dolls or anything,haha.
Okay so by really busy I mean I forgot my gmail username and spent my life on minecraft until I found a sheet of paper with my gmail on it! (Thank you, paper...) so I'm back. My last post was October..eek. I basically hibernated. Teehee? I have the day off school, WOOHOO P.D DAYS! The only good thing on TV is rescue heroes, this dumb childish safety cartoon. Yeah I'm gonna go finish my hunger games arena on minecraft.. #survivaltime. OOH AND WATCH SPONGEBOB. Yes, very accurate. kk, I'm out.
Peace. Xox.
Friday, 30 November 2012
Monday, 8 October 2012
finally, my dolls are no longer stacked on-top of one another on my bookshelf. okay,i promise i never tortured them,however they have been sleeping in their new rooms for like a week. well,its not like i wouldn't sleep for a week if i could? anyways, here is a picture of the house my pop build for me that was featured in dolldiare's sunday showcase!
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
OMG I HAVE ALMOST 3000PAGEVIEWS hnka,sdfhldsfhdsjlfdhakfhd;kajfafhds;afdsjk. *magic poof of under control-ness* okay okay,were good.
i got caroline abbot. oo-0000-ooo-OO. actually,the mail chick or mail dude does. but then,SHES MINE,MINE,MINE I TELL YOU. MUAHAHAHAA. and once again, ive had one too many gummy worms,today. v.v okay, one to many handfulls, today.
im bored. *mcflurry slurp* la de de. I like myfroggystuffs videos. check 'em out, and prepare, for the awesomeness that is-creativity.
hm,now what. I KNOW OMG, time for my song;
im insecure,i know what for,im no danielle,perrie, or elan-o-or, i sit at home, on google chrome, looking at 1D pix all alone,
im amazing,we all know. we all know,come on man, im awesome.
BYE-im bored now. -hehe guhbye
i got caroline abbot. oo-0000-ooo-OO. actually,the mail chick or mail dude does. but then,SHES MINE,MINE,MINE I TELL YOU. MUAHAHAHAA. and once again, ive had one too many gummy worms,today. v.v okay, one to many handfulls, today.
im bored. *mcflurry slurp* la de de. I like myfroggystuffs videos. check 'em out, and prepare, for the awesomeness that is-creativity.
hm,now what. I KNOW OMG, time for my song;
im insecure,i know what for,im no danielle,perrie, or elan-o-or, i sit at home, on google chrome, looking at 1D pix all alone,
im amazing,we all know. we all know,come on man, im awesome.
BYE-im bored now. -hehe guhbye
Thursday, 30 August 2012
new american girl gear.
I was on facebook today-of course,lol..- and i saw the most beautiful set,soon to release by american girl. there was a chalet,a beautiful ice skating outfit, and more. i only fret the long line of numbers that will be the price.
i also really REALLY like caroline abbots colection. shes very pretty, and somewhat like my doll;ashley, with longer hair. she also reminds me of lanie,who ive wanted for quite some time,now. she has a parlor set thats 300 dollars-oh brother-and a bed,table and chairs, a sailboat, matching pajamas, and more! if you'de like to view her collection, visit
thats all for now! :) CHRISTMAS IS 117 DAYS AWAY. not that im counting? (psh,yeah i am. and it makes my parents sick since its august,mwahahaha)
thats all for now! :) CHRISTMAS IS 117 DAYS AWAY. not that im counting? (psh,yeah i am. and it makes my parents sick since its august,mwahahaha)
Monday, 16 July 2012
Oh brother,yet another!
Guess what...? At this very moment, american girl employees are packaging up my beautiful...NEW DOLL! they're packing her box and sealing her hair net,in hopes that she will be on a mail truck soon! I personally have admired this beauty since the day i saw her vinyl face. Her name shall be declared as Aubrey. Her background will include a love for sports and girly glamour. wanna get a first hand glimpse at her? here she is! Aubrey with blonde hair,blue eyes, pink blouse,gray skirt. shes amazing. I adore her so much. I wanted to purchase a new doll at the american girl store in new york city when I visited on june 24th, but my parents said it would be difficult for the airlines to allow her to pass through the aircraft, as she and my other items would consume space on our way to florida and montego bay,Jamaica. I had an amazing vacation, but after nearly 3 weeks away from my puppy and my dolls at home, I was thrilled to be back in home sweet home! :-) well, that'de be all the news as of now, OH WAIT NO ITS NOT OMG.... i got a perry the platypus plush.....okay now im done! :) :) be do be do-oap do be do be do-oap.
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Hola blogspot peoples. This is just an update on whats been going on in my life. So to start, i got some our generation things from I got the laundrey set,car,sewing set,travel set, and also, Im going to the american girl place this summer, while stopping on my way to florida and jamaica. Im considering buying the MAG/JLY with black hair,hazel eyes,freckles and long hair. I want to name her: Olive. or Olivia for long. Or maybe amelia,and call her amie for short. Well, im not even sure if im buying this doll, but hey,theres nothing wrong with fantacising,right? Im seeing one direction in concert too,because they happen to be amazing. My birthdays coming up too, so im hoping to save up money to prolong my collection and extend my family of many wonderful dolls,thanks to the wonderful brand known as no other-american girl<3. And lately with the new up to day blogspot, i can see how many views i've been getting,and theres ALOT. it makes me so happy to know my viewers like what they're reading on their screens. There was almost 2000 views! thanks for your support, i have a youtube- ashleyAGdoll which hopefully will have videos in the fall once my american girl dollhouse is complete. so if you like reading my blog, then ill be updating whenever free time comes to me. thanks again everyone,this means the world to me that my hobby online is becoming sucessful. -Ashley.
Sunday, 27 May 2012
I got mckennas loft bed!
OMG, so my birthdays coming up in june,my dad was away for work and there was an AGP nearby,so he got it for me. lemme just say,its AWESOMEEEEE,everythings so adorable and realistic,its epic.
Friday, 18 May 2012
Update :D
Howdy peoples of social networking. Its the one and only here, with some basic updating news. First of all, i'de like to thank the people who have viewed my blog,it makes me so proud. Also, i had alot going on in reality,thus why i havent been so addicted to pressing upload new post. Hope you all understand why i havent been posting new crafts and such. anyways,hope you all have a great weekend!
-The oh so legendary,ashley.
-The oh so legendary,ashley.
Sunday, 29 April 2012
HTM-doll popcorn.
HTM-doll popcorn
Materials: -glue stick -printer/paper -this template -yellow marker -packaging beads
Process: So after you have printed this template out,your going to need to fold on the lines drawn,and secure the edges and flaps with glue. then,so make the actual popcorn,take a few packaging beads (aka-''packing peanuts'') and break them into a few halfs. then mold them into frayed circles and color some tinted in yellow as butter,decorate it all inside the box,and your done!
Materials: -glue stick -printer/paper -this template -yellow marker -packaging beads
Process: So after you have printed this template out,your going to need to fold on the lines drawn,and secure the edges and flaps with glue. then,so make the actual popcorn,take a few packaging beads (aka-''packing peanuts'') and break them into a few halfs. then mold them into frayed circles and color some tinted in yellow as butter,decorate it all inside the box,and your done!

Monday, 2 April 2012
Sorry i Havent been updating Since like, Early New Year, ive been busy. Sick alot, school, projects, tests,dance and the list goes on.But anyways, alot has happned since my last update, for one i found out that im building a dollhouse for my AG dolls in the summer of this year- 2012, i've become hunger games obsessed, and made SO many wonderful crafts.Also, for my birthday im asking for mckennas loft bed, and my parents said maybe, so hopefully thats a yes. also, I ordered a new set of doll glasses, my others broke, and the petals and posies matching dresses, so yeah! just trying to keep you up in the beat of whats going on, anyways, if I can fit in time, ill try to blog more crafts and what not, until then, happy easter!
Saturday, 18 February 2012
HTM- lots of mini AG books
okay, first off to get the Printed Pictures of American girl Book Covers, i just searched up 'american girl book covers' on Google and went to images, scroll down theres TONS! Also, to pick them out and to print, just right click the side of one, and press copy image, them open up microsoft word, make it a good size, press the multicoloed symbol at the top, and press print. then all you do is cut them, glue or tape paper on the inside, and take craft foam or construction paper and make a back cover, or if you dont have a colored printer, (Like me) then just color the images with crayons leds markers or ect, and your done!
Thursday, 2 February 2012
Stride Gum Pack For Dolls,And Apllesauce Lid For Dolls
Okay, very simple, got this from DollyCrafts.Blogspot.Com, And its super precious! all you do is copy it, paste it into microsoft word, and then adjust the scale, and print! viola, cut, fold, and ready to go!
I Even wrapped small rectangular peices of sticky foam from dollarama into some smooth tinfoil and real gum wrappers to put inside! Super Easy, Super Fun! As for the applesauce lid, Like On youtube How 4Everagz Did, I took a Hairspray Cap/Lid, (Hairspray was old and empty) And i filled it with orangey redish yellowie paint, to look as if applesauce was inside. Then i cut out the lid, and secured it to the rims of the Lid with Strong liquid glue, and viola! make sure that when you use microsoft word, to scale it to fit, as the size comes out rather small, so adjust it bigger. Also, the same consept as The gum pack, just click, copy ,paste, print and cut! Voila, two easy crafts, ready for play!
I Even wrapped small rectangular peices of sticky foam from dollarama into some smooth tinfoil and real gum wrappers to put inside! Super Easy, Super Fun! As for the applesauce lid, Like On youtube How 4Everagz Did, I took a Hairspray Cap/Lid, (Hairspray was old and empty) And i filled it with orangey redish yellowie paint, to look as if applesauce was inside. Then i cut out the lid, and secured it to the rims of the Lid with Strong liquid glue, and viola! make sure that when you use microsoft word, to scale it to fit, as the size comes out rather small, so adjust it bigger. Also, the same consept as The gum pack, just click, copy ,paste, print and cut! Voila, two easy crafts, ready for play!
Saturday, 14 January 2012
I Got Mckenna Brooks!
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