Saturday, 18 February 2012

HTM- lots of mini AG books

okay, first off to get the Printed Pictures of American girl Book Covers, i just searched up 'american girl book covers' on Google and went to images, scroll down theres TONS! Also, to  pick them out and to print, just right click the side of one, and press copy image, them open up microsoft word, make it a good size, press the multicoloed symbol at the top, and press print. then all you do is cut them, glue or tape paper on the inside, and take craft foam or construction paper and make a back cover, or if you dont have a colored printer, (Like me) then just color the images with crayons leds markers or ect, and your done!

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Stride Gum Pack For Dolls,And Apllesauce Lid For Dolls

Okay, very simple, got this from DollyCrafts.Blogspot.Com, And its super precious! all you do is copy it, paste it into microsoft word, and then adjust the scale, and print! viola, cut, fold, and ready to go!
I Even wrapped small rectangular peices of sticky foam from dollarama into some smooth tinfoil and real gum wrappers to put inside! Super Easy, Super Fun! As for the applesauce lid, Like On youtube How 4Everagz Did, I took a Hairspray Cap/Lid, (Hairspray was old and empty) And i filled it with orangey redish yellowie paint, to look as if applesauce was inside. Then i cut out the lid, and secured it to the rims of the Lid with Strong liquid glue, and viola! make sure that when you use microsoft word, to scale it to fit, as the size comes out rather small, so adjust it bigger. Also, the same consept as The gum pack, just click, copy ,paste, print and cut! Voila, two easy crafts, ready for play!